Welcome To KwaZulu-Natal

Siyakwamukela! Welcome to the corporate digital platform of KZN Tourism and Film authority (TKZN).

Navigate through numerous resources that will assist you in understanding the tourism environment within KwaZulu-Natal and various opportunities available from TKZN.

Latest Guides

Looking for a range of exceptional destinations, tips to make your travels a little easier and safer, information on how to start a tourism business or essential tourist maps? Use the menu here for downloadable versions!

Who is KZN Tourism and Film authority?

TKZN is responsible for the development, promotion and marketing of tourism into and within the province.

Our mission is to initiate, facilitate, coordinate and implement strategic tourism marketing and demand-driven tourism development programmes; to grow tourism, transformation of the province’s tourism sector and provide economic benefits to all stakeholders.

KZN Tourism and Film authority is overseen by the Department of Economic Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs (EDTEA).

At TKZN we remain committed to:
