KZN Tourism and Film authority (TKZN) has developed a number of customer care related initiatives in order to ensure consumers have a platform to interact with the Authority. These initiatives include the following:
KZN Tourism and Film authority (TKZN) has developed a number of customer care related initiatives in order to ensure consumers have a platform to interact with the Authority. These initiatives include the following:
The aim of these workshops is to establish communication channels between the tourism industry and the communities to raise awareness. They also ensure that communities in which tourism facilities, amenities or attractions are based contribute positively and participate in the tourism sector both as tourists, workers and owners of businesses. Furthermore, communication with relevant stakeholders on safety issues is established through this platform. These include the police, disaster management, district municipalities and trade. This ensures that there is an agreed coordination mechanism.
These campaigns aim to build communication channels and foster good relations with media to ensure positive reporting on tourism issues in and about the province.
TKZN has, in response to the mandate from the National Tourism Department, created a platform where tourism players and businesses who work passionately and with pride to deliver world-class service and whose delivery grows South Africa’s global destination competitiveness, are celebrated.
In the unfortunate event that a tourist becomes a victim of crime, TKZN offers an Aftercare Programme. Once an incident is reported an immediate response is instituted, which is in the form of:
This is a share call line. The number is 086 0101 099, operational between 06h00 and 21h00 seven days a week.
TKZN facilitates the production of Travellers’ Tips brochure in order to ensure increased safety and awareness.
Tourism ambassadors are deployed during busy periods and major events aimed at creating a tourist friendly destination, and ensuring the availability of information to visitors in the province.
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